Thursday, May 24, 2012

I've been attending the reFOCUS Pastors' Conference in Chicago this week.  One of the seminars I attended was on blogging.  So... here's my start to get things rolling.  I'll be working on improving the look of the blog over the next few weeks.  I plan to use my blog to share things I'm thinking about, things I find interesting, and things God is doing in my life, my family and my church. 

Feel free to offer your insights & suggestions.  Really!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Now, how 'bout that cooking, running, pastor blog we talked about lo these many years ago?

  2. I was thinking of a 2nd blog for "The Potluck Pastor". Thought I'd get the hang of this one first :)

  3. Very nice! I'm impressed :-). Keep going, and I will follow you! Thanks for attending the workshop.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement & insights, Jamie. Please feel free to make suggestions for improvement.

    2. Hey running pastor blog to you to. I am trying to figure out blogin as well. Neat
