Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Today marks the official beginning of summer and 90 degree temperatures are called for today and tomorrow.  Heat & air qualities advisories have been issued.  Meteorologists and reporters are all sounding the warning to keep cool and stay hydrated.

Runners, like all athletes, know the importance of proper hydration.  They've typically learned it the hard way... from personal experience.  I've had a few occasions where found myself in trouble due to dehydration.

The first time was when I was out on a long run on a summer day.  My running partner had gone out the evening before to strategically place water bottles along our new route.  Unfortunately, a road we were supposed to take didn't exist (don't always trust Mapquest!).  After running a few extra miles, we realized something was wrong and turned back.  By the time we reached our water, I was no longer sweating and becoming light headed.  I ended up walking for a couple of miles to make it back home.  On another occasion I went for a 20 mile run after donating blood the day before.  Bad idea!!

Proper hydration is important to one's body functioning properly.  This is especially true during hot weather and periods on intense or prolonged physical exertion.  Among other things, dehydration can  slow thinking, reduce endurance, decrease strength, cause cramping and slow muscular response.

The solution?  Be sure to properly hydrate before, during & after your workout.  By the time you realize you're thirsty, it's too late.  You must be prepared!

Just as proper hydration is essential to peak performance for athletes, proper spiritual hydration is needed for those who desire to live godly lives.  In Psalm 1, the writer pictures the person blessed by God as one who is like a tree planted by streams of water... a tree that is fruitful and prosperous.  And where does one find this water?  By delighting in and meditating upon God's Word -- the Bible.  

Just as it's physically important to give attention to proper hydration, it's equally important to give careful thought to your spiritual hydration.  If you wait until a crisis hits, it's too late.

Take some time to read and meditate on God's Word.  Your soul will be refreshed and your life will be blessed by God.  Here's a great place to begin.  Start today & drink up!


  1. well said sir. I was reading post on dailymile yesterday from people stating they stopped sweating. Very scary stuff!
